
Soil Enhancer

Renew is an extremely concentrated base enzyme product containing broad spectrum microbial stimulants (contains no surfactants).

Renew contains 4 different auxin groups, humates, and multiple enzyme complexes.

Renew can be used as a soil microbial stimulant or as a foliar spray to enhance plant metabolism at critical growth stages. As it has no known mixing restrictions, it is very versatile and convenient to apply at all growth stages, including bulking and size-finish stages of a crop, (mixes great with liquid fertilizer). It is also excellent to mix with liquid starter phosphorous fertilizers in-furrow at planting with placement on or below seed. Renew greatly increases the availability of nutrients at this critical growth stage.


  • 16 oz/acre broadcast or through water
  • 8 oz/acre in-furrow with liquid starter fertilizer


  • At 1st water, at planting or with cover spray.
  • May apply every 14 – 30 days as needed throughout season.
  • Note: Renew is very compatible with chemical and fertilizer tank mixes.

APPLICATION METHOD: Pivot irrigation, drip line irrigation, aerial spray, ground spray and in-furrow fertilizer placement.

MIXING RESTRICTIONS: None known (Always perform a jar test before tank mixing)

New Planting Hops

Untreated field was planted one month earlier than the hops treated with Renew, Seed Boost and MicroPlus.

UntreatedRenew New Planting Hops Untreated
TreatedRenew New Planting Hops Treated

Second Year Cabernet Yields 4.5 Tons, September 25, 2010

Two year program of AgPro Seed Boost and Renew.

Renew Cabernet Grapes