Corn (Irrigated Sweet, Field or Silage)
Root Enhancement
- 24-32 oz/ac Seed Boost in-furrow at planting with seed as target. Mix with starter phosphorous fertilizer.
Soil Function, Nutrient Release , Water Penetration
- 32 oz/ac Reclaim or A•I•M at/about V-3 stage or earlier:
- Can either be pivot run or spray applied
- A•I•M (not Reclaim) can be mixed with 1st or 2nd glyphosate application
* Both products are excellent for soil structure improvement AND nutrient release
* Reclaim will reduce herbicide residual issues AND is beneficial on high Na soil. DO NOT be tank-mixed with Phosphorous or Sulfur based fertilizers or chemicals
Foliar Nutrient Application Enhancement
- If applying foliar nutrition at any stage, add 16-32 oz/ac MicroPlus.
- i.e. with Phos and trace minerals at ear formation – up to tassle
Ear Fill
- 16 oz/ac Renew just before silk. Apply through pivot with N & K nutrition.

Jerome, ID
Seed Boost on both pivots, 32 oz/ac A•I•M with glyphosate spray on south pivot.

July 18, 2003
Reclaim was applied to fix Everest herbicide damage, and also made an obvious production improvement compared to the undamaged half.