Corn (Irrigated Sweet, Field or Silage)


Root Enhancement

  1. 24-32 oz/ac Seed Boost in-furrow at planting with seed as target. Mix with starter phosphorous fertilizer.


Soil Function, Nutrient Release , Water Penetration

  1. 32 oz/ac Reclaim or A•I•M at/about V-3 stage or earlier:
    • Can either be pivot run or spray applied
    • A•I•M (not Reclaim) can be mixed with 1st or 2nd glyphosate application

* Both products are excellent for soil structure improvement AND nutrient release
* Reclaim will reduce herbicide residual issues AND is beneficial on high Na soil.  DO NOT be tank-mixed with Phosphorous or Sulfur based fertilizers or chemicals


Foliar Nutrient Application Enhancement

  1. If applying foliar nutrition at any stage, add 16-32 oz/ac MicroPlus.
    • i.e. with Phos and trace minerals at ear formation – up to tassle


Ear Fill

  1. 16 oz/ac Renew just before silk.  Apply through pivot with N & K nutrition.
UntreatedCorn Roots Untreated
Treated With Seed BoostCorn Roots Treated

Jerome, ID

Seed Boost on both pivots, 32 oz/ac A•I•M with glyphosate spray on south pivot.

North PivotCorn North Pivot
South PivotCorn South Pivot

July 18, 2003

Reclaim was applied to fix Everest herbicide damage, and also made an obvious production improvement compared to the undamaged half.

Check (No Everest)Corn Check No Everest
Everest 2002, Reclaim 2003Corn Everest Reclaim