Root Enhancement, Nutrient Release
- 32 oz/ac Seed Boost in furrow at planting with starter fertilizer and/or chemical application OR through dripline halfway through 1st irrigation.
Soil Function, Nutrient Release, Water Penetration
- 32 oz/ac A.I.M with 1st or 2nd water, or may be spray applied at planting if not using Seed Boost
Herbicide Stress Recovery, Soil Nutrient Release
- 32 oz/ac Reclaim through pivot, drip line or spray applied 5 days after post-emergent herbicide spray.
Bulking Push (increase P & K uptake for storability, size and quality)
- 16 oz/ac Renew with ALL liquid K fertilizer applications mid-to-end of season. (May be used multiple times, usually 3-4 weeks apart)
Insecticide Enhancement
- 16 oz/ac Foliarplex with every insecticide spray
Notice the Root Difference at the Base Plate!

Onions, Royal City, WA
32 oz/ac A.I.M. at planting. 32 oz/ac Reclaim after Goal/Buctril spray. All other factors equal.