Air and Water Infiltration Management Soil Stimulant

A•I•M is a broad-spectrum versatile soil conditioner and biological enhancer. It is made up of soil microbial stimulants, and non-ionic surfactants. A•I•M is an excellent soil treatment choice where compaction and water penetration are a challenge because it targets both aerobic and anaerobic species. By increasing multiple types of micro-organisms, A•I•M can effectively improve soil aggregation while also improving nutrient availability through increased microbial activity.

RATE: 32 oz/acre

APPLICATION METHOD: Pivot irrigation, drip line irrigation, aerial spray, ground spray


  • Excellent mix with most chemicals and fertilizers.
  • Remember, it contains non-ionic surfactants that will increase the efficacy of herbicides. Do not spray above 80 degrees.
  • Make sure your chemical labels allow for the use of surfactants when you are tank-mixing with herbicides. (Always perform a jar test before tank mixing).

TIMING: Timing with this product is very flexible and may be used multiple times throughout the season.


  • Potatoes – early hooking
  • Corn, malt barley, wheat  beans – 1st watering or with herbicide spray Malt barley and wheat – boot stage or earlier
  • Alfalfa – dormancy break, with herbicide, or through 1st watering.
    May also be applied every other cutting.

New Seeding Alfalfa, Big Horn, WY

AIM New Seeding Alfalfa Big Horn WY

UntreatedAIM New Alfalfa Seeding Big Horn WY Untreated
TreatedAIM New Alfalfa Seeding Big Horn WY Treated

Malt Barley, Glendive, MT

Photos taken just 8 days after application!

UntreatedAIM Malt Barley Glendive MT Untreated
TreatedAIM Malt Barley Glendive MT Treated

30 Days After A•I•M Application

Notice the improved soil aggregation structure and enhanced water penetration of the treated soil following a quick pivot revolution.

UntreatedAIM 30 Days After Application Untreated
TreatedAIM 30 Days After Application Treated