Small Grains (Irrigated)


Root Enhancement, Nutrient Release

  1. 24-32 oz/ac Seed Boost in-furrow at planting over seed, mixed with starter fertilizer.
  2. Or, if starter fertilizer is placed beneath seed, use 8 oz/ac Renew mixed with starter fertilizer.


Soil Function, Nutrient Release, Water Penetration

  1. 32 oz/ac A.I.M spray-applied or water-run early. (may be mixed with herbicides)


Foliar Fertilizer Enhancement / Head Formation (with cytokinins for cell division)

  1. At flag leaf head formation, foliar apply: – 16 oz/ac MicroPlus
    • 32 oz/ac micronutrient package of choice that includes Zn, Mn, Cu, B.
    • 64 oz/ac slow-release nitrogen product of choice – 128 oz/ac 6-24-6
    • This is applied to push yield AND protein

Feed Barley, Harlowton, MT

Treated with AgPro Systems A•I•M, 32 oz/ac at planting.

UntreatedBarley Untreated
TreatedBarley Treated

Malt Barley, Glendive, MT

Photos taken just 8 days after A•I•M. application!

UntreatedMalt Barley Field Untreated
TreatedMalt Barley Field Treated
UntreatedAIM Malt Barley Glendive MT Untreated
TreatedAIM Malt Barley Glendive MT Treated