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Soil Stimulant & Residual Herbicide Remediation

Reclaim is a soil treatment product with 3 distinct uses:

  1. Reclaim was originally designed for the degradation of herbicide residual. Pre-plant application is preferred, but post-plant application is acceptable. If you are actually seeing sub-lethal herbicide effects on your crops, time is of the essence! Reclaim “can heal the sick, but it can’t bring back the dead…” Apply in a timely manner!! Depending on the severity of the chemical residual, more than one application is sometimes needed.
  2. Reclaim is an excellent biological soil conditioner. It has broad spectrum enzyme complexes and proprietary blends of microbial stimulants. These components effectively increase the microbiology within the soil, allowing for better water management, nutrient release, and root enhancement. Reclaim can be used anytime throughout the growing season for this purpose.
  3. Reclaim, used as a mid-to-late season application, is an excellent tool to push bulking on potatoes, onions, and many other crops. The concept is two-fold.
    • First, Reclaim stimulates new root growth at a time when a plant’s root system is trying to slow down. The new roots are more efficiently able to retrieve phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients.
    • Second, Reclaim stimulates microbial activity, making phosphorus and potassium more plant-available.

Now that is Efficient Soil Function!!

RATE: 32 oz/acre

TIMING: Timing for Residual Herbicide Remediation: 1 week pre-plant (preferred), at seeding, immediately after seeding OR as soon as possible when problem is identified.

Timing for Increased Nutrient Availability

  • At or before planting
  • Mid to late season – depending on crop

APPLICATION METHOD: Pivot irrigation, drip line irrigation, aerial spray, ground spray


  • Can be mixed with most chemicals and some nutrients.
  • NEVER Tank mix with phosphorous or sulfur based fertilizers or chemicals. (Always perform a jar test before tank mixing)

Beans in Basin, WY July 6, 2014
Unknown Herbicide Damage from Canal Water

Reclaim Beans in Basin WY

Reclaim Beans in Basin WY Leaf Growth

American Falls, ID June 12, 2001
32 oz/ac Reclaim Applied on May 16, 2001
Matrix Residual

Treated area has lower mortality and healthier plants.

UntreatedReclaim Matrix Residual American Falls Plant Untreated
TreatedReclaim Matrix Residual American Falls Plant Treated
UntreatedReclaim Matrix Residual American Falls Field Untreated
TreatedReclaim Matrix Residual American Falls Field Treated

Note: Reclaim was applied after damage was identified. It should have been applied at planting.

Rupert, ID
2017 Potatoes, Used Prowl & Tricor
2018 Beets

Plowed Before PlantingReclaim Sugarbeet Prowl Tricor Rupert ID
No Plow. Used 32 oz/ac Reclaim Pre-PlantReclaim Sugarbeet Prowl Tricor 2 Rupert ID

Burley, ID 2003

Everest herbicide damage on field corn.

2002 Damage Before TreatmentReclaim Burley ID Herbicide Damage Before Treatment
After 2003 Reclaim 32 oz/ac TreatmentReclaim Burley ID Herbicide Damage After Treament
Reclaim AgroWatch Index

Only the west 1/2 was sprayed with Everest herbicide in 2002. Only the west 1/2 was treated with Reclaim in 2003. By July 12, 2003, the damaged west 1/2 was out-performing the undamaged east 1/2 on the vegetative index.

Cut Bank, MT July 20, 2013

Wide match herbicide damage on dryland lentils. Reclaim was applied 2 weeks after residual damage was identified. Reclaim should have been applied at planting, yet we still saw dramatically positive results.

Reclaim Cut Bank Lentils
Before TreatmentReclaim Cut Bank Lentils Untreated
After TreatmentReclaim Cut Bank Lentils Treated

Stinger Damage
One Application of Reclaim 32 oz/ac Through 1/2 of Pivot

June 3, 2009 Very Sick Cucurbits Before Application

Reclaim Stinger Damage

July 24, 2009 Six Weeks After Application

TreatedReclaim Stinger Damage Treated
UntreatedReclaim Stinger Damage Untreated

October 4, 2009 After Frost

TreatedReclaim Stinger Damage After Frost Treated
UntreatedReclaim Stinger Damage After Frost Untreated


Increased Nutrient Availability


  1. To promote over-all soil health and function as a broad spectrum soil microbial stimulant. Reclaim can be used for this purpose anytime throughout the growing season.
  2. To promote late season bulking in crops such as potatoes and onions, as well as size and color in tree fruit.

TARGET: Entire soil profile – apply through pivot, drip-irrigation, overhead-irrigation, by airplane or by ground sprayer.



  1. At or before planting.
  2. Mid to late season – depending on crop.

Note: NEVER mix Reclaim in the same tank with phosphorous or sulfur based fertilizers or chemicals.

48 Tons of Reds! Reclaim and Renew

  • Reclaim and Renew 48 Tons of Reds Field

32 oz/ac Reclaim Early and 32 oz/ac Microplus Foliar with Herbicide

UntreatedReclaim Early and MicroPlus Untreated
TreatedReclaim Early and MicroPlus Treated

Reclaim Applied Mid-July and Again 30 Days Later

Note the improved color, lenticel pattern and increased shape/fill. Photos taken in September.

TreatedReclaim Apples Treated

UntreatedReclaim Apples Untreated

California Lettuce After Two 32 oz/ac Treatments of Reclaim

UntreatedReclaim California Lettuce Untreated
TreatedReclaim California Lettuce Treated
UntreatedReclaim California Lettuce Field Untreated
TreatedReclaim California Lettuce Field Treated

Eastern Washington Beans

Reclaim Beans Eastern Washington

Broccoli in California 2014, Treated With 32 oz/ac Reclaim at Planting

UntreatedReclaim California Broccoli Untreated
TreatedReclaim California Broccoli Treated